[Leetcode] Course Schedule II

[Problem link]

What is topological sort? You simply keep picking nodes with no incoming edges (or with in-order 0).

No valid solution? You might encounter situations where none of the nodes (yet to be processed) have an inorder of 0. This means that the graph does not have a valid topological sort (and we need to account for that). Here is an example. After picking ‘2’, you’re stuck with this 1-0, 0-1 cycle where inorder’s for both nodes are 1.

Basic Idea:

  • Create a dependency graph using the dependencies. The topological sort of this graph is your solution. Represent your graph using a HashMap (node_id -> [ child_id1, child_id2, .. child_idN ]).
  • Use a Q to keep track of nodes with inorder 0. Don’t loop through all nodes to check for nodes with inorder 0 (except for the first time). Remember, at every step the only nodes that have a potential to have inorder 0 are the children of the last picked node!
  • Finally, if you haven’t processed all the nodes (which means there is no valid topological sort) remember to return empty array.
class Solution {
    public int[] findOrder(int numCourses, int[][] prerequisites) {
        Map<Integer, List<Integer>> graph = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>();
        int inorders[] = new int[numCourses];
        int order[] = new int[numCourses];
        int orderIndex = 0;
        // build graph
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < prerequisites.length ; i++ ) {
            List<Integer> children = graph.getOrDefault(prerequisites[i][1], new ArrayList<Integer>());
            graph.put(prerequisites[i][1], children);
        // have q keep track of all nodes with inorder = 0
        // we will keep adding nodes to this q as and when thier inorder get to 0
        Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<Integer>();
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < inorders.length ; i++ ) {
            if (inorders[i] == 0) {
        // pick nodes with zero indegree and add to list
        // make sure we update (decrement) indegrees of child nodes
        while ( !q.isEmpty() ) {
            int nextNode = q.remove();
            List<Integer> children = graph.get(nextNode);
            if ( children != null ) {
                for ( Integer child : children ) {
                    if (inorders[child] == 0) {
            order[orderIndex++] = nextNode;
        // For cases where there are cycles in graphs we wont get a topological sort for all the nodes. T
        his is a way to detect that!
        // Examples: [[0,1],[1,0]], [[1,0],[1,2],[0,1]]
        if ( orderIndex < numCourses )
            return new int[0];
        return order;