Http Basic Authentication

Here’s a brief overview of Http Basic Authentication which is a (trivial) way of providing authentication in your application. Every-time you send a http...

Get the 8.3 (or short file name) of a folder in windows

It seems like on an NTFS partition there is something called 8.3 Name Creation. Its basically a short file name with a tilde ~....

XML Namespaces 101

XML Namespaces also carry typical advantages of using namespaces, i.e. all variables related to a particular category can go under that namespace. Here is...

Character Encoding

ASCII uses 7 bits, extended ASCII allows you to use the 8th bit, but that’s NOT a standard. Problems started when bits in ASCII...

Dining Philosophers

Dining Philosophers is one of those classical problems to understand (and resolve) deadlocks in software. Lets look at examples were we cause deadlocks, come...

Reentrant vs NonReEntrant locks

Java 5 has a ReentrantLock implementation of the Lock interface. Meaning if the same thread tries to acquire the lock again, it will allow...

Deadlocks in java

Ok, lets start with seeing a simple example of how deadlocks can be created in java. Simple way to achieve this is to try...

Quartz within Tomcat using XML job descriptions

Objective is to make a counter using Quartz. Step by step we’ll do the following Create a custom context listener to initialize a counter,...

Creating installer using IzPack and Maven

I recently created a wordpress installer using IzPack and uploaded the source code on Google Code. It will 1.) Download wordpress source code, 2.)...

Playing with Apache Derby.

Apache Derby has two modes, Embedded Derby and Derby Network Server.’ Lets look at some code using both these modes. Let’s work on creating...